Download free driver for HP Ethernet 1Gb 2-port 361T Adapter Windows 10 x64If You cannot find the appropriate driver for your operating system you can ask your question to the users of the service in our section of questions and answers or contact our support team at
Hp 361t Driver Download
I've been working for some time to get a couple of 361T dual NIC cards running on some DL20 Gen9 servers running Debian 7 with the Jessie backports kernel 3.16. The inlcuded IGB driver in that build is the Intel 5.0.5 driver, but that was failing to load the cards with a "probe failed" message and a -5 return code.
Looking at the HP download website for this card, I see that binary "HPE Intel igb Drivers" version are available for RHEL and SUSE, but that the source provided is version 4.0.17, which is vastly too old for this hardware. I tried compiling and installing the driver from the Intel-provided source, but is is still failing to load the cards (same error). It seems that the PCI addressing scheme or something is different between what the Intel driver expects and what HP has done with these cards (I tracked the failing line of code to be an ioremap call in the igb_probe function of the driver).
HP must have some specific tweaks to the IGB driver to accommodate their hardware. As a result, I believe I need to get the source code for the version of the HP driver (I have the 1.10.8 firmware version installed on the cards), so I can compile it for our specific Debian kernel. However, I cannot find that available (the Intel IGB driver is GPL licensed, so HP should be providing the source of any binary releases), and the official HP support channel has been less than helpful so far.
Does anyone have any ideas as to where I cna find this source? Or, perhaps I'm totally off track and my question should instead be does anyo0ne have any other ideas what is wrong and how to get this to work? I'm honestly at the point of bailing on HP to get something that'll work with in-tree drivers...
Even though there are HPE drivers, the inbox drivers normally work fine. I checked with my counterpart who does the Ubuntu certifications. 12.04, 14.04 and 16.04 work just fine with the inbox driver. I mentioned you had Debian 7 with Jessie backports and he also said that should work without issue.
The Intel drivers you are using (both the one in Debian and the one you downloaded) are correct for this device. If the system is still under warranty, you could file a support ticket on it to determine whether there is a problem with the device itself or the PCI riser.
I'm still pulling my hair out with this one, but I think I can safely conclude it is not the driver that's the problem, but seemingly a kernel bug. I found that booting into the older Wheezy stable kernel (3.2) is fine with these cards, but the 3.16 from Jessie is not. Even booting the live CD into Jessie proper does not work with the cards. 2ff7e9595c